Friday, February 3, 2012

I Could Never Be a Trainer

There are myriad reasons why I couldn't be a trainer, and yet admire the heck out of trainers. I'm going to list some of them in no particular order.

  1. I don't have the accolades/experience/balls. Good horse trainers have a ton of experience, have demonstrated achievements in their chosen discipline(s), and have brass cojones (regardless of gender). I lack all of the aforementioned. 
  2. Good trainers are patient. I'm still learning how to control my temper. A good trainer keeps a rein on their temper (at least in front of horses and clients). It's taken me this long just to figure out how to try not to get mad at my own horse - let alone not get mad at someone else's.
  3. Effective trainers are tenacious. They keep at it until they get it. While this sounds like a good life-trait, I have encountered few job skill-sets that require tenacity in the same way training does (at least in my eyes). Can't get the right lead? No problem, we'll keep after it for at least another 30 minutes. Probably we'll get it by then. I lack that - can't get the right lead? Dang, let's try another 2 minutes. Still can't get it? Let's eat a cookie and contemplate our navels. I hate to make it sound like I'm a quitter - I really try not to be. But maaaan - sometimes shit gets old after awhile. Eating is where it's at.
  4. Thar she glows!
  5. Trainers can play the game. Sure, lots of other jobs require you to play the politics-game, but I have seen some trainers turn on the charm in a knock-you-over-at-100-paces level. And clients eat that up.
  6. Confidence-enstilling. To me, a good trainer inspires confidence, and helps you grow. 
  7. Trainers play therapist. Your trainer probably knows more dirt about your personal life than your mother. And yet they can keep their mouth shut about it. Don't anger your trainer; he or she probably knows exactly where you actually were when you told your wife you were at the country club -- and who you were actually with. 
  8. Trainers have a whole lot of advice - only some of it probably relates to your horse. Listen to most of it though. 

1 comment:

  1. The game is probably the hardest part of horse training for me. I have a hard time playing nice and am likely to drop clients if their horse care isn't up to my standards or they're too drama-y.
